WELCOMESHIP! – Training of Trainers

DYPALL is a proud partner of the Welcomeship, a project that aims to bridge the gap between young migrants and local young people through community-based entrepreneurship.

Between the 24th and 30th of October, DYPALL participated in the Welcomeship project organized by YEPP EUROPA in Stockholm. During this week there was a training of trainers which was attended by partners from six countries, such as Portugal, Sweden, Finland, United Kingdom, Italy and Germany. The training took place in different youth houses and aimed to train and empower youth workers and youth coaches from partner organizations to become trainers of the Welcomeship Course, teaching them to deliver the key topics in a non-formal, participatory and innovative way and thus, facilitate the understanding and engagement of the young people.

This project will create several intellectual outputs, one them being the guidebook that will be used as a tool to facilitate the local training. A youtube channel will also be created, where people can follow the different tutorials regarding the guidebook’s five modules: “Opening Minds & Doors”, “Entrepreneurship & Community”, “Idea Development”, “The Market: From Idea to Business” and “Launching & Scaling”.

The local training will take place between December and January in Portimão, gathering young people from the town, especially those who are migrants or have a migrant background. Five Welcomeship nights, events with diverse formats where the community can get together and share their projects and needs, will be organized in parallel to the local training.



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