Training course on Essentials of Non-Formal Education

Our team member Antea attended the Training course on Essentials of Non-Formal Education from 6th – 11th February in European Youth Centre Strasbourg as preparation for DYPALL Network’s upcoming Study session Youth Democracy Academy in October 2023.

During the Training course, 35 young people from different organisations had a chance to explore the standards, methodologies, methods and tools of the Council of Europe (CoE) for non-formal learning and becoming a facilitator.

The Training course focused on understanding the principles of non-formal education, including the experiential learning cycle. The programme later focused on the organisational flow of organising a study session or an activity supported by the European Youth Foundation. Finally, the training connects different topics on which participants were working on to the Youth Department’s priorities and which existing tools and manuals can support their implementation, such as Compass and Compasito developed by CoE for work with young people.







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