Study visit “Local youth policies on social entrepreneurship”

The study visit “Local youth policies on social entrepreneurship” took place in Lisbon, from 27th May- 1st June. This visit brought together 27 municipality officers and youth workers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Turkey, UK and Netherlands to visit and explore practices and models of youth social entrepreneurship and local youth policies for social entrepreneurship with a particular focus on the inclusion of young people with migrant background.

During the Study visit, the participants were able to see a variety of practices and models of youth social entrepreneurship and of mechanisms and structures that support such practices, as well as to transfer this experience into their own local reality.

The aim of the project was to contribute to a better understanding of youth workers on how to support the creation of social start-ups that can enhance the social economy and the creation of new job opportunities for migrant youth as a step towards social inclusion and integration.

On the 28th May, the morning was spent with the presentation of the visit, the objectives within it and programme details, as well as a moment for the participants to get to know each other and the afternoon with key concepts on social entrepreneurship and sharing of good practices of Local Youth Policies on Social Entrepreneurship. The evening gathered participants on an intercultural evening.

The third day of the visit, took place in Cascais, contacting with the municipality’s youth department and its projects for youth involvement as well as the association DNA Cascais. The afternoon was spent outside, visiting Torre neighborhood, where the participants had a chance to see the “Take it” project, one and learn more about the employment department.

On the 30th May, the study visit revolved around the centre of Lisbon. In the morning, there was a visit to the municipality of Lisbon, contacting with the ComNetNEET project, that aims to promote youth employment and prevent the social exclusion of young people. The afternoon of the visit was in TecLabs, a new social approach to entrepreneurship by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

The last day of the visit, was for developing Local strategies and Action plans, as well as exploring Follow-up opportunities and evaluating and closing.

This project is composed of two Study visits, the first one being in Portugal (May 2019) and the second one in The Netherlands (October 2019). The project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme.

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