The final meeting of the project “Level up! Life after mobilities” took place 16-19 March in Brussels, Belgium. The consortium partners met to present the project results, evaluate the project development process and discuss and plan future follow-up ideas.

The first day of the meeting was dedicated to the international conference “Level up! Life after mobilities” organised by Youth for Exchange and Understanding, during which the partners of the project shared its key outcomes:

  • “LEVEL UP!” digital tool for follow up after mobilities (IO1), which provides space for sharing and organizing follow-up dissemination events of learning mobilities. The aim of this site is to provide participants in Erasmus+ projects with the tools and the opportunities to channel their engagement and their motivation into the local realities, offering space and time for effective follow-up events that give back to the communities.
  • “LEVEL UP!”! publication (IO2), which is a step by step guide on how to create a quality follow-up strategy.

The project “Level Up! Life After Mobility” aimed to fill in the gap between international mobilities and life in local communities after those experiences. Thus, the main aim of the project was to support the follow up of international mobilities at the local level, trying to engage young people who take an active part in similar experiences to get more active within their own communities, and to have a chance to convey their learning and newly gained expertise/competencies to improve their own realities.

The project intended to provide young people with the tools and mechanisms that allow this engagement with their local communities, as well as the aforementioned follow up activities. More specifically, this project aimed to support the capacity building of youth workers and youth organisations to implement effective follow-up strategies and to ensure the local impact of international mobilities. Moreover, it intended to foster engagement, volunteering and participation of young people that have been involved in international mobilities, in
their own communities.

In order to increase youth engagement at the local level as a result of international mobilities, the project aimed to enable young people involved in international mobilities to connect with each other, with policymakers, public administration, youth organisations, and
others, and this way to allow these, who have been part of mobilities abroad to “give back” to their local communities.

This 24-months project has been developed under the coordination of Active Bulgarian Society in partnership with DYPALL Network, Youth for Exchange and Understanding and United Society of Balkans, under Erasmus+ KA2 programme

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