DYPALL Network Steering group meeting

DYPALL Network had a Steering group meeting from 14th – 17th June 2023 in Sintra, Portugal.

The Steering group members shared updates on their organisation’s current work and policy priorities. The outcomes of this sharing were the detection of topics that are currently vital for youth participation, such as more involvement and participation of young people living on the borders of the European Union since they face extremely challenging periods because these areas have strong external influence and are subject to misinformation, propaganda and fake news. Consequently, the discussion brought the identification of future possibilities of cooperation. 

Steering group members gave contributions to improve the DYPALL Network’s existing communication strategy and determined the objectives of the DYPALL Network’s Assembly of Members gathering that will be held in December 2023. 

One of the main objectives of the meeting was to develop the concept notes for the call for members of WG Environmental Sustainability. Throughout 2023, it is foreseen that the Working Group will get together to evaluate the current environmental policy and create recommendations for the Network to improve its sustainability to become carbon neutral by 2026. 

During the meeting, members also had a chance to get to know better the work of the DYPALL Network on a local level, mainly with the Sintra and Cascais municipalities. We had a chance to visit the Sintra Youth Centre, where the youth worker explained how the youth sector and Sintra Youth Centre developed through the years and how DYPALL Network contributed to its capacity building and supported the creation of the strategic plan for the youth places of the municipality. In Cascais, the municipality officers presented their good practice – youth participatory budget, in which DYPALL Network supports the implementation of activities, specifically delivering a training process to 15 classes of students in more than 100 workshops that tackle topics such as representative democracy, gender equality, financial literacy and more.

The event was organized by DYPALL Network with the support of Sintra and Cascais municipality, and funded by the Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the fields of Youth, Education and Training grant.

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