YES! GAM-EU! – Youth Engagement Strategies and Gamification in the EU

This project aims to make information about the EU available through innovative media channels in multiple languages, by engaging young people through an online simulation gaming platform and app and by creating virtual reality educational tools. Throughout the project we will be able to reach more than 4000 young people across Europe, who will be able to “shape” the future of Europe with their own decisions and “virtual” actions.

The first meeting happened on 9th – 10th November and the second one on the 15th – 16th December. Both took place in Brussels and marked the beginning of this 24 months-long project “YES! GAM-EU!”.

The first one had as objectives to organize the next step as well to set the dates and roles for the future activities. It was a moment to understand better the different stages and responsibilities. The second meeting gathered experts from all of the partners, and also external web developers, to discuss the project implementation, the website and app creation and the future steps and responsibilities.

During the meeting, the experts had the chance to brainstorm on different virtual reality and gamification tools and how to implement them in real life situations. From games to scavenger hunts, the group aimed in creating an inclusive platform that can engage and inform young people in EU decision making, especially looking at the European Parliamentary Elections of May 2019.

The app and the web platform will also allow young people to earn badges and reach goals, bringing them closer to the European Institutions through meetings and events, held in the five different partner countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, UK, Portugal).

A very interesting topic of discussion was the role of the UK, since the imminent exit from the European Union in March 2019: is it still important to educate young British citizens on the values of the EU?

By the end of the project, set after the European Elections, we aim at having at least 2000 young people trained to be active multipliers of the EU values and opportunities among their peers, using digital and virtual tools to actively engage and participate.

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