“Welcomeship”- local training & visit

From 4th-6th  October, young people from Portimão (Portugal) participated in a local training within the Welcomeship project. The project aims to make communities more inclusive, address fears and prejudices and promote tolerance and respect regarding multicultural backgrounds.

During the training, participants were challenged to develop innovative ideas that address issues related to their communities and inclusiveness in order to build bridges and create positive change.

From 14th-15th October, the project coordinators from YEPP Europe, flew to Portimão (Portugal) and saw the work being developed with the local community towards inclusivess, meeting some of the young participants and visiting the Cruz da Parteira Community Center.

Welcomeship is a project that is being developed in 7 countries, being DYPALL Network one of the project’s partners. The next stage of the project will be the final seminar in Berlin, where participants will have the chance to share their results with other partners.

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