Training “Management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation”

The training course “Management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation”, organized by DYPALL Network, took place from 28th November – 4th December 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal.

During the training, coworking space coordinators, decision-makers, youth workers, and managers of incubation programs from 8 countries, including Armenia, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain learned more about youth participation in coworking spaces, community management, impact measurement or programs that support social innovation, listened to the powerful inputs from the panellists of the international open seminar and had an opportunity to visit inspiring coworking spaces that support social innovation in Lisbon like Casa do Impacto and Impact Hub Lisbon. What is most important, the participants created a safe space for exchange of experiences and practices among themselves, and the diversity of participants’ backgrounds created an added value which contributed to the training.

The open seminar took place on 30th November. During the open seminar, participants engaged in fruitful discussion on important topics such as youth participation in coworking spaces, community building and boosting learning opportunities, local impact of coworking spaces for social innovation and programs and opportunities supporting social innovation with our respected panelist from Portugal Inovação Social, Impact Hub Vienna, Sende, Covillage, Associação Portuguesa de Profissionais de Juventude, Lifeshaker Associação, HIGGS, Centrum Rozwoju Inicjatyw Społecznych CRIS. The Seminar was organized with the support of the Lisbon Youth Centre in cooperation with the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth.

The training was part of the 16-months long project aiming to exchange good practices and create new ideas for more youth-friendly, more impactful coworking spaces that boost social innovation. This project is being implemented by the consortium of 6 partners: DYPALL Network (Portugal), Centrum Rozwoju Inicjatyw Społecznych CRIS (Poland), Sende (Spain), Social City Wien (Austria), HIGGS (Greece), and an international network of coworking spaces Impact Hub.

This was the second activity of the project, following the 1st Transnational Partners Meeting that took place in Vienna, Austria in September 2021 and was hosted by Social City Wien, where partners discussed the overall project management, the realization of the project timeline, and objectives. The third and last activity of the project, the 2nd Transnational Partners Meeting in Athens, Greece in April 2022 will gather project coordinators from each of the partners to officially launch the publication on good practices, evaluate the project and explore possibilities for follow-up.

The project is funded under the Erasmus+ Exchange of Good practices programme by the Polish National Agency for Erasmus+ Programme.

Learn more about the training from our Brief Report.

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