Specialized paths of social inclusion

Together with the Regional Center of Support to Non-Governmental Initiatives from Poland (Regionalne Centrum Wspierania Inicjatyw Pozarządowych), we are implementing the project “Specialized paths of social inclusion” which is a part of a bigger programme “I do not emigrate – working here,” which aims to support people at risk of social exclusion or poverty.

As DYPALL Network, our role will be to connect the Polish organisations with Portuguese experts. It will be an opportunity for both sides to learn new perspectives, tools and good practices. Based on that, the consortium will create innovative tools that help in designing more effective support plans for people in the crisis of homelessness and addicts.

Apart from the Regional Center for Supporting Non-Governmental Organisation and DYPALL Network, the project involves also 3 other Polish organisations:
– Fundacja Salida
– Fundacja Szerszy Krąg
– Integracyjny Dom dla Bezdomnych przy Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Wałbrzychu

The project is financed by the European Union under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development, 4th Priority Axis – Social Innovation and Transnational Cooperation, Measure 4.3 – Transnational cooperation, from the European Social Fund.

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