Seminar “Models of youth participation at the local level in Europe”

Seminar “Models of youth participation at the local level in Europe” was organised on 19th April 2018 in Setúbal, Portugal. Various interesting practices of engaging youth in decision-making processes at the local level from Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Spain, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, and Slovenia were presented. More than 30 participants from civil society organisations and municipalities from around Europe discussed the challenges of youth participation in decision-making processes and shared best practices. The seminar helped to raise the awareness that participation in building autonomy and sense of citizenship of youth is essential for creating European societies based on democratic values and active participation of its citizens.

This was the first activity of the “Youth participation matters”, a long-term project organised by DYPALL Network and its partners ARS for Progress of People (Belgium), CID (Macedonia), Europe4Youth (Poland) and FRG Campania (Italy) in the framework of Erasmus + Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. It was followed by the first partners’ meeting of the project consortium and a Study visit to Centre for active citizenship.

Apart from the Seminar, the project will include a training course, a conference and a Study on models, instruments and best practices of youth participation at national level conducted by each of the partner organisations in their respective countries.

The seminar was organised with the financial support of Erasmus + programme in partnership with IPDJ (Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth) with the support of Municipality of Setúbal (Gabinete de Juventude Setúbal).

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