New Projects 2017-2018

Dear colleagues and partners,

we hope you are doing well, we are happy to announce some opportunities for working together in 2017-18.

Our flagship event: the international conference
Conference “Youth Work at Municipality Level” to be held in Funchal – Madeira Island, Portugal (tbc)

Conference “Youth participation on all levels: From youth center to youth council” to be held in Ohrid, Macedonia (tbc)

 The documentation you need to send in case you wish to become partner:

1) Partner Identification form (PIF) to be filled

2) mandate (this one for the Portugal conference, this one the Macedonia conference) to be filled and signed+stamped and scanned.

We kindly ask you to send the mandate and the updated pif to AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, and not after the 30 JANUARY 2017, 11h00 CET.

Please note that as DYPALL Network is growing, we aim at giving fair opportunities to all partners, and we are trying to provide as many opportunities as possible according to our current capacity. After the deadline you will receive confirmation of submission of the project applications.

For any doubts feel free to contact us
Looking forward to future partnerships,
DYPALL Network!

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