Coworking for social innovation – kick-off meeting

Today we officially launched our project „Management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation”. For the next 16 months, we will be identifying good practices among the existing coworking spaces for social innovation that:

  • boost their learning potential;
  • make them more inclusive and adjusted to the needs of youth;
  • foster the development of social innovation and increase its impact at the local level;
  • build cooperation between a private, public and non-governmental sector;
  • strengthen their sustainability

The project consists of 3 transnational activities: a seminar in Vienna, a capacity-building training in Lisbon and a final conference in Athens. Good practices mapped within the project will be disseminated widely at the national and European level, supporting the creation of more youth-friendly, more impactful coworking spaces that boost social innovation.

The project is being implemented by the consortium of 6 partners: DYPALL Network (Portugal), Centrum Rozwoju Inicjatyw Społecznych (Poland), Sende (Spain), Social City Vienna (Austria), HIGGS (Greece) and an international network of coworking spaces Impact Hub. It is funded under Erasmus+ Exchange of Good practices programme.


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