Europe Goes Local | Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy)

Europe Goes Local is a long-term cooperation within the Erasmus+ youth programme to support youth work at the municipal level. Thus, 21 National Agencies of the Erasmus+ programme in the youth sector aim with this initiative, to improve work quality with youth, through strengthened cooperation between several interested parties and stakeholders.

Also in line with these goals, from 20 to 22 May 2017 in Faro Youth Centre (IPDJ) in the Portuguese region of Algarve, the second edition of Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy) was launched. This event aims to create a space for exchange of good practices, aswell as capacity building and training of youth workers, leaders and youth organizations.

Bruno António, part of DYPALL Network’s team and representing, was present in this event as a trainer representing the Erasmus+ Portuguese National Agency in this event. In the delivered “training of trainers”, youth workers, municipality officers and youth representatives had the opportunity to thoroughly explore the topics of learning in the context of non-formal education, building a youth training programme and group dynamics. This was also a chance to let youth workers in municipalities and organizations get to know DYPALL Network as possible partner and supporter in projects and building synergies.

In this way, it was commonly perceived that after this initiative, the following goals of Europe Goes Local at the national level were achieved:

  • Put the National Agency one step closer to youth work at local level;
  • Introduce the international/European element (international youth work) to the municipalities;
  • Map the needs of youth works and youth work at the municipality level;
  • Build networks with stakeholders (youth workers, municipality officers and politicians) at the local level;
  • Exchange goods practices and share examples of good projects that were locally build and implemented;
  • Raise awareness of youth workers about the European Agenda.

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Europe Goes Local | Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy)

Europe Goes Local is a long-term cooperation within the Erasmus+ youth programme to support youth work at the municipal level. Thus, 21 National Agencies of the Erasmus+ programme in the youth sector aim with this initiative, to improve work quality with youth, through strengthened cooperation between several interested parties and stakeholders.

Also in line with these goals, from 20 to 22 May 2017 in Faro Youth Centre (IPDJ) in the Portuguese region of Algarve, the second edition of Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy) was launched. This event aims to create a space for exchange of good practices, aswell as capacity building and training of youth workers, leaders and youth organizations.

Bruno António, part of DYPALL Network’s team and representing, was present in this event as a trainer representing the Erasmus+ Portuguese National Agency in this event. In the delivered “training of trainers”, youth workers, municipality officers and youth representatives had the opportunity to thoroughly explore the topics of learning in the context of non-formal education, building a youth training programme and group dynamics. This was also a chance to let youth workers in municipalities and organizations get to know DYPALL Network as possible partner and supporter in projects and building synergies.

In this way, it was commonly perceived that after this initiative, the following goals of Europe Goes Local at the national level were achieved:

  • Put the National Agency one step closer to youth work at local level;
  • Introduce the international/European element (international youth work) to the municipalities;
  • Map the needs of youth works and youth work at the municipality level;
  • Build networks with stakeholders (youth workers, municipality officers and politicians) at the local level;
  • Exchange goods practices and share examples of good projects that were locally build and implemented;
  • Raise awareness of youth workers about the European Agenda.

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