DigiZation – Training for Multipliers

DYPALL Network was present in the second phase of the DigiZation project, organized by Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) that took place in Skopje, North Macedonia from 24th to 30th of May.

The aim was to gather representatives of youth organisations that are willing to improve their capacity to use digital tools and to enrich their organisation’s experience.

The meeting involved 14 participants from the partner countries, Austria, Belgium, North Macedonia and Portugal. It was a week of hard work with the group taking the previous work from the Consultative Meeting in Portimão to the next level, adapting the content created before to the challenges faced in their own organizations, namely regarding youth participation. The group also had the opportunity to discover the Old City of Skopje and its fortress and have a goodbye dinner in a traditional restaurant.

The next steps will take place at the local level, with the implementation phase, followed by an Evaluation Seminar International Conference in Austria. This activity was supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

Photo credits: Filipa Paiva and Nídia Camarinha

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