On the 25 – 28th November 2021 GIShub | GIScience for Humanity, hosted the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the project “Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance”.

The meeting took place in the Laboratory Drone For Goods at the University of Padua, Italy, and gave the opportunity to the project partners to exchange the good practices of digital participation and plan in detail the next steps of the project.

The project is led by DYPALL Network in cooperation with Tree company (Belgium), Inštitut za elektronsko participacijo (INePA) (Slovenia), ARS for Progress of People (Belgium), and GIShub | GIScience for Humanity (Italy) and focuses on collecting practices of digital participation tools that will be published in the form of a Study in 2022.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To identify and promote project and models of quality digital and e-participation for engaging youth in decision-making processes at the local level;
  • To further develop competencies of youth workers to foster digital participation of young people at the local level
  • To reflect on key concepts of digital and e-participation and how their applicability to youth participation in decision-making processes and to develop a common understanding;
  • To develop a Publication that will collect best practices of digital and e-participation tools for youth engagement in local governance.

The project consists of 4 international activities: 2 Transnational Partners Meetings (Portugal, Italy), a Training course on the development of digital tools for participation (Portugal) and a final conference to share the results of the exchange of good practices (Belgium). It is funded under the Erasmus+ KA2 Exchange of Good practices programme by the Portuguese National Agency.

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