Democracy Reloading – Stakeholder Conference in Portimão

Bureau International de Jeunesse and DYPALL Network organised the Democracy Reloading Stakeholder Conference on 26th – 29th October 2021, in Portimão, Portugal.

The conference brought together more than 80 stakeholders, youth workers and youth leaders from Cyprus, Greece, Estonia, Belgium, Norway, UK, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary, Finland, Croatia, Austria, Sweden, France, Italy and Portugal to support municipalities in improving their competences in strengthening and developing local democracy through youth participation in decision-making. More than 50 organizations had the opportunity to network and exchange practices on the topic of youth participation in local governance during 2 full working days.

The main objectives of the Stakeholder Conference were to reflect on the role and the opportunities of municipalities in the Reloading Democracy network, to officially introduce the Democracy Reloading Strategic Partnership for municipalities, to present the outcomes and lessons learnt from the Democracy Reloaded activities between 2015-2020, and to exchange good practices and Erasmus + projects of youth participation in decision making as tools for developing local democracy.

The organizers, Mr. Bruno Antonio, Ms. Stéphanie Nowakowski and Mr. Laszlo Foldi had the opportunity to introduce and reflect on the use of the Democracy Reloading Toolkit and to identify its further potentials in order to support the development of relevant national and European networks of stakeholders, practitioners of youth participation in municipal decision-making and local democracy.

The Stakeholder Conference program was enriched by enlightened shared practices between the participants and with several important Speakers that shared with all members their experience in the field of youth participation; indeed, it was complemented with the Democracy Reloading Stakeholder Conference online program, led by DYPALL Network’s trainers, that gave the opportunity to over 40 participants to take part in the Conference and in the discussion on the role of youth participation at the local governance.

Democracy Reloading Stakeholder Conference was organized by the Bureau International de Jeunesse and DYPALL Network supported by the Cyprus, Estonian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Belgian and Italian National Agencies and the Erasmus + program.

In case you are interested to find more about what happened at the Conference, please check the Democracy Reloading Facebook page where you can find the streaming video of our Conference.

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