Coworking for social innovation – 1st Transnational Project Meeting

On the 27th and 28th of September representatives of DYPALL Network took part in the first in-person Transnational Project Meeting of the project “Management Systems of Coworking Spaces for Social Innovation”. The meeting took place in Vienna and was hosted by our partner organisation Social City Wien. This 16-months long project aims to exchange good practices to support the creation of more youth-friendly, more impactful coworking spaces that boost social innovation.

The meeting was an opportunity to summarize the ongoing research on good practices, visit the amazing Impact Hub Vienna and plan the upcoming Training on the management systems of coworking spaces for social innovation, which takes place between the 28th November – 4th December in Lisbon. Moreover, the participants of the meeting took part in the Coworking Walk organised by Social City Wien, where they could present their approach to coworking and learn about the experiences with social innovation and coworking from the local network of partners organised around this initiative. Their work and collaboration make a tangible positive change in the municipality. Their cooperation in the coworking space environment and the supporting programmes increases this impact and is an interesting additional value, which is the subject of our research.

The project is being implemented by the consortium of 6 partners: DYPALL Network (Portugal), Centrum Rozwoju Inicjatyw Społecznych CRIS (Poland), Sende (Spain), Social City Wien (Austria), HIGGS (Greece) and an international network of coworking spaces Impact Hub. It is funded under Erasmus+ Exchange of Good practices programme by the Narodowa Agencja Programu Erasmus+.

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