“CHLaYdoscope” last Transnational Project Meeting


The last CHLaYdoscope Transnational Project Meeting took place from 21st – 22nd February in Maastricht, The Netherlands. During the meeting, Materahub introduced the Transmedia Handbook for Youth Community Leaders, and ECHN presented the Manifest for Empowering the New Generation of Changemakers as the final project outcomes.

During the meeting’s second day, the final event of the project was implemented at The Social Hub Maastricht. Partners showcased the project outcomes to local young people and representatives from institutions, schools, creative hubs, and youth centres of Maastricht, aiming to amplify the project’s impact. Facilitated by The Artist and the Others, participants were testing some CHLaYdoscope tools and methodologies in a participatory workshop after expressing significant interest in reapplying them to solve challenges in their contexts.

Special thanks go to the Youth Community Leaders who participated in the project and shared how they applied what they learned in their communities. 

The project is led by materahub (Italy) in cooperation with DYPALL Network, Generazione lucana (Italy), Warehouse Hub (Italy), European Creative Hubs Network (Greece), Kulturno izobraževalno društvo PiNA (Slovenia) and The Artist and the Others (The Netherlands). It is co-funded with the support of the Italian National Agency.

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