Artificial intelligence: How can youth take part?

Between 23th-27th November 2020 Council of Europe organised a seminar Artificial intelligence: How can youth take part?.
The goal of the seminar was to answer the following questions:
  • What do young people need to know to feel part of the social, technological and political processes around AI?
  • What should the public and private actors in AI take into account to allow for participation spaces for and by young people, the digital natives?
Over 80 decision-makers, representatives of the youth sector, experts in Artificial Intelligence, researchers and, most importantly, young people, discussed how to open the AI Governance processes for the young people and ensure their voice to be heard. The seminar was a continuation of 2019 seminar Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Young People.
The seminar took place online, which allowed more participants to take an active part. It will be followed up with an informative report and a youth declaration on Artificial Intelligence. As so-called “digital natives”, young people have the first contact with Artificial Intelligence at a very young age. Most of them however do not realise how it can influence their life now and in the future. In the meanwhile leading IT enterprises compete in creating disruptive AI innovation, and the international decision-makers try to catch up, struggling to fit new developments into the legal frames.
Young people should be part of these policy-making processes, as AI have the power to form their future. To join, they need a proper education in this field, which should be a part of the formal education curriculum. This means, that also the formal educators will need to develop more skills and competencies in this topic. All of these should be a concern of national and international decision-makers, institutions and youth organisations.
Although AI is a topic underrepresented in the youth sector, it is of the highest relevance for young people and DYPALL Network will continue to work in this area.
The seminar was illustrated by Vanda Kovacs and some of her pictures we attach below. All of them form a beautiful summary, to be found in this link, where you will also find more information about the session.

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