TO THE POINT on youth participatory budget


On the 6th of April, DYPALL Network hosted the final activity of the TO THE POINT series of moments on youth participation. This time, we took a closer look at the youth participatory budgets.
Youth PB is a model with a great potential for youth participation in decision-making at the local level, but with many traps along the way. During the meeting, we listened to the experts in the field of youth participation, who presented us the great examples of their local practices:
– Karin Pereira, about Youth Participatory Budget of Cascais (Portugal)
– Hrvoje Novak about Youth Participatory Budget Pregrada, Zabok and Klanjec (Croatia).
It is worth to mention, that the Croatian Youth Participatory Budget was inspired by the Cascais model and today reaches 11 municipalities. That is exactly the essence of DYPALL Network – to exchange good practices in youth participation and reimplement them at the local level across Europe. More about this example you can learn from this short video.
Although this event was a bit longer than usual, it was still just an appetizer. If you want to learn more about this topic, we encourage you to take a look at the following sources:
Although this meeting was our final TO THE POINT moment for 2021, we plan to come back with the second season already in 2022, so stay tuned!

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