TO THE POINT on practical tools for youth online facilitation


Today we met online with members of DYPALL Network for the fourth edition of our TO THE POINT series of moments on youth participation. 

Youth work in 2020 moved a lot to the on-line dimension. Most of the trainers and youth workers to develop quickly the new competencies, facing the challenging reality of the application of traditional facilitation methods to the digital tools we have at our disposal. Throughout the year, DYPALL Network supported this development with several trainings on online facilitation and online meetings for youth workers, youth leaders, trainers and teachers.

During this TO THE POINT moment, our trainer and expert Aleksandra shared some valuable tools, methods, tips & tricks that might be useful in the facilitation of youth online events. Her short, 15-minutes presentation covered the absolute essentials of digital facilitation. Since this is an important and still very actual topic, the presentation is available for download here.

If you are interested in this topic, you might also be interested in the online Training on digital gamification for youth workers, where our partners from Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) teach how to use digital tools and games in youth work and education under YES! GAM-EU project. The training starts next week and you can apply to participate until 28/02/2021.

TO THE POINT is a series of online moments, where we or the invited experts present valuable inputs on youth participation. Starting from 12th January 2021, we meet every second week, for just an hour of inputs, questions and networking.

For the next meetings, we prepared:

  • TO THE POINT on creating a local youth strategic plan  – 09/03/2021 (10:00 CET, members only)
  • TO THE POINT on methods of youth engagement during the pandemic – 23/03/2021 (10:00 CET, open)

Don’t miss it!

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