TO THE POINT on models of youth participation

Yesterday we met online with members of DYPALL Network to present valuable inputs and practices from our publication Study on models of youth participation. It was also an opportunity for the members to meet with new partners and exchange some contacts.

With this meeting, we launched a new format of our activity. TO THE POINT will be a series of online moments, where we or the invited experts present valuable inputs on youth participation. Starting from 12th January 2021, we will meet every second week, for just an hour of inputs, questions and networking.

The next meetings are:

  • TO THE POINT on new Erasmus+ programme – 26/01/2021 (10:00 CET)
  • TO THE POINT on youth e-participation – 09/02/2021 (10:00 CET)
The first meeting was reserved exclusively for the members of our network, but some of the upcoming events in the series will be open to the public. Stay tuned and follow our social media if you are interested in participation.




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