Seminar: “3D: Dialogue, Democracy & Decision” 26-29 April, Taormina, Italy

Between 26-29 April, the international seminar “3D: Dialogue, Democracy & Decision” took place in Taormina, in the scenic framework of Sicily Region in Italy to bring together different actors of the Structured Dialogue, to exchange good practices and develop a common strategy to integrate quality projects under the Erasmus + Key Action 3, in the process of the SD at European, national, regional and local level.


Seminar: "3D: Dialogue, Democracy & Decision" 26-29 April, Taormina, Italy - 1 Many questions were explored, such as :

  1. Which challenges young people and decision makers encounter in dialogue?
  2. Which opportunities can you identify involving public sector? And what about private sector on the field of youth policy?
  3. Which benefits can an effective dialogue bring to your community?



DYPALL Network was invited and participated in the role of expert: this gave the opportunity not only to present our work but also to contribute to the discussions taking place. Our work was highly appreciated and many among the municipalities and organizations that were present already approach us to join our Network!


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