“S.M.A.R.T Youth Centres” transnational project meeting

The 2nd transnational partners meeting of the “S.M.A.R.T Youth Centres” project took place from 18th – 21st October 2022 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

This project is focused on digital youth work in the context of youth centres and its main approach is based on exploring new digital tools to be used by youth workers to engage young people.

This will be achieved through the development of a series of Project Results that focus on the development of a MOOC, the creation of a VR environment for the implementation of activities aimed at young people, the pilot implementation of youth activities by the participants themselves and, finally, the creation of a toolbox containing tools, methods, and applications useful in the field of Digital Education and Training based in the field of DYW.

In summary, S.M.A.R.T. focuses on achieving a triple impact. First, it seeks to create opportunities for organizations, trainers, and youth workers to innovate. Secondly, it aims at the increased use of Open Educational Resources, ensuring that educational materials produced with European or public funding are free, open, and available to all for use or reuse. Finally, it seeks to improve the infrastructure of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and connectivity in youth centres.

This KA2 project is led by I.R.T.E.A. (Greece) in cooperation with DYPALL Network, COMUNE DI CINISELLO BALSAMO (Italy), BOLT Virtual Services and Productions (Greece), CYLN “Change your life now” (Greece),  VsI “Amicus Certus” (Lithuania), KEKS STODFORENING (Sweden) and ZAVOD MLADINSKA MREZA MAMA (Slovenia) and funded by the Erasmus+ Programme on Youth via the Greek National Agency, INEDIVIM.


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