Partners meeting “Focus on Youth: Service Design and Co-Creation”

The partners meeting for the KA2 project “Focus in Youth: Service Design and Co-creation”, took place in Portimão (Portugal), from 18th-19th September.

The consortium gathered organisations from Norway, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia and Poland, looking into the theory of service design to improve the understanding on how youth work moves between different youth service providers and to identify different crucial breaking points where young people are left in vulnerable situations with limited or lacking support of the well-fare system.

During the project, research on how professional youth work and non-formal education can support services and youth, in developing solutions for strengthening these breaking points, will be executed. Partners will map young people between 15-25, using available data and service design methodology, to create a better and more holistic understanding of the path for young people in this age range.

Youth workers, facilitators, decision-makers and other service providers will be trained in service design, non-formal approach to youth, participation theory and cross-sectorial cooperation to create spaces for co-creation between youth and those who provide youth services for youth.

During the project, there will be two trainings, the first one “Focus on Service design, co-creation” will take place from 4th-11th November, 2019 on the Daugirdiskes training centre (Lithuania) and the second training “Focus on cross-sectorial cooperation” will take place from 2nd-9th February, 2020 on the Daugirdiskes training centre (Lithuania).

A publication will be prepared with all the outputs from the activities and with an analysis from the reality of each country, creating a way of mapping and understanding better the differences and similarities in youth-oriented work across different European countries.

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