Migrant Youth Friendly Cities – Kick off meeting

On the 2nd – 5th March 2022, DYPALL Network hosted and organized the kick-off meeting of the project “Migrant Youth Friendly Cities”, in Portimão, Portugal.

The partners believe that this project will allow municipalities in different countries to meet and share best practices and models of migrant integration coming from all over Europe, and discover innovative and integrated ways to make information and services available for young migrants, young refugees and youth with a migrant background. The partners are aware that in a multicultural community, residents are better at recognizing and valuing differences, national cohesion is boosted (increase in civic engagement within the population) and equity, over equality, is valued. The meeting was used as an opportunity to get to know each other, plan the work under specific intellectual outputs and discuss the future activities of the project.

Through this project, we aim to:

  • Map and identify good practices on the integration of youth with a migrant background, young refugees and young migrants at the local level with an integrated approach, that considers different indicators (legal, socioeconomic, and socio-cultural integration) and different stakeholders (local authorities, CSOs, NGOs, youth workers);
  • Develop quality indicators that will allow local authorities to assess the impact of good practice on migrant and refugee integration;
  • Create an instrument (an assessment tool for “Migrant Youth Friendly City”) that enables local authorities together with CSOs, NGOs and youth workers to evaluate their integration policies;
  • Develop guidelines containing the actions that local authorities involved in the project will undertake in order to increase the rate on the “Migrant Youth Friendly City” scale, during and after the period of the project implementation;
  • Encourage active citizenship of youth with a migrant background, young migrants and young refugees, actively involving them in the project, developing their sense of belonging at the local level and promoting their participation in decision-making.

The project is led by DYPALL Network (Portugal), in cooperation with the Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs (Greece), the Municipality of Fyli (Greece), African Empowerment Centre (Sweden) and Novisi Elkartea (Spain). It is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme: Strategic Partnership for Innovation in the field of youth.

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