Inventaciones – International Meeting

DYPALL is one of the partners of the project “Inventaciones” implemented by Asociación Profesional de Agentes Socioculturales de Granada Carreteras Secundarias and participated in a meeting that took place from 12th – 15th November in Granada, Spain.
Inventaciones is a process of education and social reorganization where the policies of several municipalities of Granada province will be defined by new structures of participation, where the youth will be the real protagonist in the decision making, with the support of the technicians and the political commitment of the Local Governments.
The meeting was an assembly of different organisations from Portugal, Poland and Spain that gathered to share their experiences and help to design the local processes that will be implemented later on in the project. During this 2 days event every participating organization had the chance to introduce itself and the projects that they are working on in order to give a clear picture of their experiences and good practices on the topic. There were moments to collect suggestions for the implementation of new ideas and for that participants had the opportunity to understand the political and administrative structure of Spain as well as the work and facilities of the host organization. Visiting the Andalusian Youth Institute, the Diputación of Granada and the local youth centre while having conversations and presentations, with very interesting outcomes, from local politicians and young people of the area was a big help in the apprehension of the Spanish reality.
Soon after the participants came to an understanding of what is needed to be done and which is the extent of flexibility of the Spanish authorities, every organization provided its methodological proposals for the local meetings as well as feedback to the host organization inspired from their experience and the will of assisting in this sharing of good practices.
The common target of the involved was to assist in implementing new ideas from another perspective into the next steps of the project “Inventaciones” that will take place in the upcoming months.
The activity was organized by Asociación Profesional de Agentes Socioculturales de Granada Carreteras Secundarias with the support of the Erasmus+ programme.

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