International Seminar “Youth Democracy Academy”

The International seminar of the “Youth Democracy Academy”, took place in Scilla (Reggio Calabria, Italy), from the 7th to the 12th of October. The seminar was organized by DYPALL Network and hosted by the partner organization Eurodemos Youth Mobility NGO (Italy).

Last activity before the Final Conference of the project, that will take place in December in Lisbon, the International Seminar provided the participants a platform to share the local actions implemented in 15 cities around Europe and discuss their strengths and weaknesses. They also had the chance to review the results of the European Elections, considering also the youth turnout, and they celebrated the achievements of the campaign “EU is YOU” with a visit to the cities of Scilla and Reggio Calabria.

Youth participation, engagement, and GOTV strategies were the core of an event that will have, as outcome, a publication on strategies for successful Get-Out-The-Votes campaigns at local level.

The seminar gathered project coordinators and youth representatives from 10 participating European Countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Latvia, Romania, Sweden, Spain and Portugal.


Check more information about the “EU is YOU” campaign at


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