GamifyEU Ideathon – What if young people were in charge of Europe?

GamifyEU Ideathon, a 48-hour online event took place from 26th – 28th March 2021. During the event, young people entered a collaborative challenge together with their peers from all over Europe and built solutions for different challenges Europe is facing. Much like a hackathon, in this Ideathon participants engaged in a creative-thinking, solution-finding process during which they learned new things, developed an idea, prepared a pitch and competed with the other participants, all the while working as a team.

Different online platforms and tools were used such as Miro and Gather town, there were various interactive workshops, inspiring guest speaker Edo from @Sende shared his experience, participants got to play games on platform and had a lot of fun in the process.

The winner of our 48-hour Ideathon was the “How can young people fight fake news?” team composed of young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and Portugal. The winner was voted by the participants of the event.

It was exciting to see all the incredible solutions for Europe created by young people! Congratulations to all the participants for their ideas!

Ideathon was organised by DYPALL Network and Youth for Exchange and Understanding within GamifyEU project supported by Erasmus + programme.


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