GAME+: Growth and access for millennials of Erasmus+ – KICK-OFF MEETING

On the 1st March 2021 DYPALL Network took part in an on-line kick-off meeting of the project “Growth and access for millennials of Erasmus+” (GAME+) coordinated by the member of DYPALL Network Europe4Youth (Poland) with 2 other partners: Center for Youth Activism CYA KRIK (North Macedonia) and Bangherang APS (Italy).

The project “GAME+” aims to create an innovative digital tool Learnus+ that supports activities created by youth workers by applying a gamification layer to the learning processes of young people. Gamification consists of the use of game design and mechanics in a non-game context, to offer innovative pedagogues which add engaging elements to educational material and motivate youth workers to keep catching up with the community in a fun way. This project will be focused on providing support to the youth workers and organizations when they are preparing their regular activities and to support the digital participation and online learning of young people.

The objectives of the project are:
– to offer new, innovative digital tool based on gamification method;
– to improve the digital participation and digital inclusion of young people;
– to encourage and motivate young people to use educational games as a tool for online learning;
– to straight the capacities of the youth workers, young people and youth organizations on the European level.

In the first phase of the project, the consortium will launch broad research on the case studies and good practices of the application of gamification methods by youth workers and youth organisations. Based on the analysis of these practices and the recommendations of interviewed youth workers, partners of the project will create a new tool that offers a gamification layer to youth work and learning processes of young people. The project includes a training course for youth workers aimed at developing their skills in the application of gamification methods and tools in youth work and testing the digital tool created within the project.

The outputs of the project – innovative digital tool Learnus+ and the Guidelines for using gamification tools in Youth Work, will be disseminated through a series of multiplier events in 4 countries.

The project is funded by the European Union within the framework of Erasmus+ programme: Strategic Partnership for Innovation in the filed of youth.

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