Game+ – Growth and Access for Millennials of Erasmus+ – 1st Transnational Project Meeting

On the 20th – 23rd February 2022, DYPALL Network hosted the 1st Transnational Project Meeting of the project “Game+ – Growth and Access for Millennials of Erasmus+” in Portimão, Portugal.

The meeting aimed to present and evaluate the outcome of the first intellectual output of the project: the publication on “Guidelines on using gamification tools in youth work”, which gather several practices on digital tools that engaged youth through the gamification pattern, and which will be released this year.

In order to develop the publication, each partner mapped different stakeholders at local and national level, namely municipalities, local NGOs and associations, that use gamification tools in order to foster youth engagement. The practices were then gathered by DYPALL Network, in order to conduct a comparative analysis between the countries involved and to give practical examples of the importance of using gamification and game-based tools in youth work.

Moreover, the partners had the possibility to discuss the second intellectual output and to plan the further steps, which include the second transnational project meeting and the training with a focus on the practical implementation and evaluation of the gamification tools in youth work.

The project is led by Europe4Youth (Poland) in cooperation with DYPALL Network (Portugal), Center for Youth Activism CYA KRIK (North Macedonia) and Bangherang APS (Italy). It is funded by the European Union within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme: Strategic Partnership for Innovation in the field of youth.

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