Road to the Future – Experts’ Meeting

Youth Engagement Expert Meeting of the project ” European Youth Together: Road to the Future” (EYT-RTF), took place from the 15th to the 18th January 2019, in Portimão (Portugal) hosted by DYPALL Network.

The project led by JEF Europe, aims to encourage and strengthen European-oriented youth participation, before and after the elections to the European Parliament. The campaign will be officially launched by a large-scale youth event in Paris, gathering approximately 2000 young people.

Before the elections, youth multipliers will be trained and provided with newly-developed tools, to engage young people in debates about Europe during local activities in 13 countries and encourage them to vote. The ideas collected as part of the campaign, will be featured on an online interactive platform addressed to politicians, including MEP candidates.

Following the EP elections, the second phase will begin with a high-visibility event for 600 young participants near Berlin, seeking to use the created momentum and ensure long-term European-oriented youth participation. The project will be established through local pieces of training and advocacy actions in 13 countries.

The Expert Meeting is the first significant activity as part of the EYT-RTF, allowing the project coordinators from partner organisations, to present and receive feedback on their youth engagement and communication plans and tools, including an online platform and visual identity.

Gathering seven international NGOs prepared for a major campaign focused on the elections to the European Parliament in May 2019, the event was also an opportunity to develop new instruments for an online and offline EP elections campaign, in coordination with the participants.

The activity was organized with the support of Erasmus+ European Youth Together programme and the municipality of Portimão.

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