DYPALL Network represented in the Digital Transformation Advisory Board of Salto PI

This May DYPALL Network joined the newly established Digital Transformation Advisory Board of Salto Participation & Information, to co-create a coordinated approach on Digital Transformation, which is also one of the horizontal priorities in the new generation of EU Youth Programmes: the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps (2021-2027).

The main tasks of the advisory board are to advise SALTO PI on the development of the approach towards digital transformation in the youth
field and in the EU Youth programmes and to help to create a Digital Transformation topic for the Participation Resource Pool. The advisory
board will work during the period of May 2021 until March 2022. Its work is coordinated by the Salto PI with the support of the strategic consultant, dr. Alicja Pawluczuk.

The goal of this process is to develop the following outcomes:

  • a definition of digital transformation in the context of the EU Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps)
    in line with the EU Youth Strategy as well as the horizontal priority (Inclusion and Diversity, Environment and fight against
    climate change, digital transformation, Participation in democratic life) set for the EU Youth programmes for 2021-2027, and taking into account the relevant developments in policy and practice related to digital transformation in the Youth field.
  • guidance information on different project formats of the Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps for applicants, project assessors and NAs to support fostering digital transformation in the youth field through EU Youth programmes.
  • a new topic “Digital Transformation” in the Participation Resource Pool with appropriate subtopics and resources connected to it, such as training materials, best practices, tools, easy-to-read research summaries and trends to foster an understanding of digital transformation among young people and youth workers
  • a mapping report that outlines the obstacles encountered by young people, youth workers and National Agencies in fostering digital transformation
  • quality criteria for SALTO PI Awards 2021 on digital transformation. Identification of 5 good practices in digital transformation connected to EU Youth Programmes that can be further presented in the Flagship Projects Collection.

(source: Salto PI)

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