DYPALL Network Steering group meeting and Assembly of members

DYPALL Network Steering group meeting and Assembly of Members took place from 20th to 24th November 2022 in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. Both events allowed members to get to know each other better and the expertise they are bringing to the Network.

During the Steering group meeting, which was held on 21st November, members contributed to the Strategical and Action Plan for 2023-25, as we discussed the current challenges of the Network and how to tackle them. Furthermore, our members offered their support to contribute to different Network opportunities and our new program areas: Youth Democracy, Cities of Welcome and New forms of participation. 

During our meeting, steering group members were preparing the thematic working groups for the Assembly of Members, which was held on 22nd November in the same venue, on the topic of climate change, inclusion and participation, and membership support to gather contributions from other members to improve the Network development

The Assembly of Members allowed our Network members to come together to review the results of the main activities implemented during the year and present the activity plan for 2023. Our meeting fostered quality spaces for networking among our members to identify possible future collaboration opportunities in terms of developing cooperation projects and partnerships. 

On the 23rd of November, members joined the Study visit “Boosting youth participation at the local level 3”, which added value to the event since members could get to know the challenges of youth participation in rural areas in North Portugal.

The events were organized by DYPALL Network with the support of Vila Nova de Gaia municipality and funded by the Erasmus+ Civil Society Cooperation in the fields of Youth, Education and Training grant.

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