DigiZation – Consultative Meeting

The first phase of the DigiZation project, a Consultative Meeting, was organized by DYPALL and took place in Portimão between 13th and 19th January. The aim was to explore the topic of Digital Participation in Youth Organizations to engage young people in order to create a booklet that will gather digital tools used by the youth organisations.

The meeting involved 8 participants from the 4 partner countries, Austria, Belgium, Macedonia and Portugal and also 4 experts on the topic from each country. The objective was share and discuss the different tools used by the youth workers, members of youth councils or municipality officers, creating a booklet that could be useful for their peers in several contexts and with different purposes. The group of experts worked along the rest of the group validating and giving their contributions to have the best and trustable output possible. Besides the tools mapping, the group research about good practices regarding the topic and added an innovation area, where creativity was the key word. Apart from the consultative meeting there was some time to know better Portimão and its beaches, to visit the local Museum, to have a Yoga session and to attend to the European City of Sports opening Ceremony.

The next steps will take place in Macedonia, with a training for multipliers using the booklet previously crated, an implementation phase at the local level and a Evaluation Seminar International Conference in Austria.

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