On 5th – 8th September, the 1st Transnational Partners Meeting of theDigital youth work in youth centres project took place in Tortona, Italy. During the project, we will explore the concept, challenges and good practices of such youth work. 

This first meeting was a great opportunity for the partners to get to know each other in person and to discuss the following steps such as gathering good practices of digital youth work and mapping key competencies needed for quality youth work in the digital sphere. We will support educators and youth workers by providing them with skills and methodologies through training activity and webinars to complement their existing youth work practices in youth centres with a digital dimension of youth work. All the partners also had the occasion to discuss the dissemination strategy and communication of the project.

The project is led by Ballyfermot Youth Service (Ireland), in partnership with DYPALL Network, La fenice (Italy), and EUROGEO (Belgium), co-funded by European Union through the Erasmus+ program and the Irish National Agency.

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