Community Challengers – Transnational Partner’s Meeting

Between 19th and 22nd of March 2021, DYPALL Network took part in the 1st Transnational Partners Meeting of the project  Community Challengers: Towards sustainable & climate-smart communities through Arts & Social Entrepreneurship.

The aim of the meeting was to kick-off the work on the Intellectual Outputs of the project, especially the Climate Action Handbook (IO1). The representatives of the consortium presented their organisations, shared their knowledge and expertise, brainstormed on the shape of the intellectual output, devised first activities and presented their vast skills for art and improvisation. The meeting was also an opportunity to take a closer look at the environmental issues of our local communities and create a bond between the partners of the consortium.

The project seeks to empower young people with tools to take and reflect on climate action and mobilise their communities with innovative and appealing measures. It is developed by a consortium of partners from Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Serbia under the leadership of YEPP Europe and is based on a 4-step methodology: Learn, Analyse, Create, Advocate (LACA learning method). The project is funded within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for Innovation programme.



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