5th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) | Feedback from the Municipality of Gaia (Portugal)

The Municipality of Gaia (Portugal) was part of the 5th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) training courses, thanks to the invitation made by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe and DYPALL Network.

The MedUni Training courses took place from 3 to 8 July in Hammamet, Tunisia, and comprised of:

  • Global Education and Youth Training Course for Youth Multipliers, which had the aim of empowering and capacitating youth organizations and youth initiatives in better understanding and applying intercultural education, learning and competences.
  • 4th Training Course on Structured Participation in Democratic Processes, which aimed to “empower representatives of youth organisations to further support the development of democratic citizenship, facilitating youth participation in decision and policy making and engaging young people and youth organisations in the intra and inter-regional co-operation”.

More information about the overall activity can be found in the Council of Europe’s webpage on the event.

In the words of Flávio Ramos, the Youth Officer from the Municipality of Gaia:

“Following our experience in Mollina’s 17th University on Youth and Development, where we attended DYPALL’s Stakeholders Meeting, the 5th MedUni was a great opportunity for us to share our example in developing a participatory local youth strategy. The week in Tunisia also allowed us to learn and network, reinforcing our commitment to quality youth work, youth participation, and global education.

We are glad to be part of the Global YOUth family and we also encourage the North-South Centre and DYPALL Network to keep up the inspirational work they are doing.”

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