1st Bonn Process Meet-up

Exactly half a year ago over 1000 youth workers from 50 countries met online for the 3rd European Youth Work Convention (EYWC), to discuss the latest developments in youth work practice and youth policy in Europe. It was the occasion to kick off the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda through concrete measures and activities, which is known as a Bonn Process. We took part in this convention, as the objectives are at the centre of DYPALL Network’s mission.

Last week we took part in the 1st Bonn Process Meet-up, which was an opportunity for all the interested stakeholders of the youth work community of practice from different European countries to exchange about the Bonn Process in terms of implementation plans, good practices and inspiring ideas. It is great to see, that after this time the spirit of action did not cool down in European youth work organisations.

How does DYPALL Network support the Bonn process? Apart from our standard, day by day activities, we:

  • put it on the agenda of our DYPALL Network conference this year;
  • incorporate part of the EYWA’s priority areas into our priorities for 2022-2024;
  • we map the initiatives connected to the Bonn process in Portugal and support our members in mapping and participating in these processes in their countries.

You can learn about the Bonn Process and the European Youth Work Agenda from this brief factsheet or from the video section of the EYWC2020, as well as from the final declaration of the 3rd EYWC.

The Bonn Process Meet-up will be hosted by JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps. Together with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, JUGEND für Europa hosted the 3rd European Youth Work Convention.

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