Study Session Preparatory Meeting – Meet the team

The Study Session “Transferring positive practices of Democratic Youth Participation Models from European to Local Level” will take place in Strasbourg (France), from 9 to 15 October 2016

The pedagogical team is meeting in Strasbourg

Are you ready for the Study Session?

The Pedagogical Team appointed to the Study Session of DYPALL is meeting to start the preparation of the event “Transferring positive practices of Democratic Youth Participation Models from European to Local Level”, financed by the European Youth Foundation (EYF) of the Council of Europe.

The Study Session will be a space for young workers from local authorities and civil society, young people and youth leaders to gather and research the positive practices of meaningful participation implemented on European Level. The main aim is to go into depth in discussing these processes, share experience, analysing difficulties and obstacles, as well as effective methods and systems of democratic youth participation models at European and local level.

This weekend, the preparatory team is meeting with Jackie Lubelli (EYF) and Mara Georgescu, Educational Adviser of the Youth Department of the Council, which will support the team through the preparation and running of the event. Together, they will review and finalize the programme as well as preparing the call for participants that will be launched early next week.

  • Dragana Jovanovska, Centre for Intercultural Dialogue (Macedonia)
  • Ana Morgado, ECOS, CRL (Portugal)
  • Bertrand Manegabe, ADYNE Netherlands (The Netherlands)
  • Leila Rasima, Rezekne District Municipality (Latvia)
  • Lenka Karafiatova, AGU Youth Factory (Turkey)

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