Report from the study session “W(e)-participate! Harnessing digital innovation for youth participation at local level” Study session „W(e)-participate! Harnessing digital innovation for youth participation at local level was organised by DYPALL Network in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe in the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg (France) between 27 September and 3 October 2020. The activity brought together youth workers from 10 member states and was the first residential activity in the European Youth Centre in Strasburg since the beginning of the pandemic. The aim of the study session was to create a shared understanding of digital youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level and exchange good practices on the field to promote its implementation. It served as a forum to interrogate the challenges and opportunities of digital youth participation, as well as to assess the needs among youth organisations that can help to guarantee a successful and meaningful implementation of digital participation processes. Today we would like to share the Report from the study session “W(e-)participate – Harnessing Digital Innovation for Youth Participation at the Local Level,” which gives the reader a general overview of the session developments and helps to understand the conclusions and experiences shared by participants. What’s inside? Motivation, objectives, programme, the profile of participants Understanding youth e-participation RMSOS model for digital youth e-participation Ladder of digital participation Practices of youth e-participation SWOT analysis of digital youth participation 4 interesting e-participation tools