Study Visit “Youthtainability”

The study visit of the KA2 project “Youthtainability” took place in Hungary, from 20th-24th July, with participants from the three project organizations: DYPALL Network, Detská organizácia FÉNIX,o.z (Slovakia) and GYIOT (Hungary).

This study visit focused on good and innovative practices of Youth Work in Hungary related to Youth oriented initiatives that foster the sense of belonging in low-density communities. This visit counted with 21 participants who shared their experience, knowledge, and competences on the topic.

The participants had the chance to visit Budapest and learn about MindSpace, a civil-society initiative who aims to bring the community together through activities like Community breakfast in an otherwise “badly reputed” 8th district of the city. On the second day, participants left for Celldömölk, a small town in rural Hungary and learned about the challenges and difficulties of Youth Work in Hungary.

The third day was organized in three visits. The first one was to the Youth Centre in Zalazengrot which introduced participants to initiatives such as “Home Coming”, supporting youngsters from the town with a degree to come back and live there again. On the afternoon participants visited and talked with representatives of the Youth Student Council and visited the New Generation Center in Szalezegard, a Unicef Child-Friendly City.

The last day was the day for reflection and thinking about next steps, as well to harvest and share the knowledge amongst participants who were invited to an Open Uni, sharing practices from their countries and an Open Space where the questions floating in the air in the previous days were addressed.

The study visit was fruitful for the participants involved, who are now invited to support the next steps in the development of the project.

Youthtainability is supported by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission.


Photo credits: Gisela Barbosa, Nídia Camarinha, Miguel Geraldes, and Inês Martins

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