“Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course

The “Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course took place from 2nd to 8th May 2022 in Portimão, Portugal. Municipality officers, decision-makers and youth leaders from Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, and Portugal gathered to learn and explore ways in which they can develop and improve local youth councils or equivalent structures of youth participation.

This activity was implemented by DYPALL Network in partnership with Creccide – Carrefour Régional et Communautaire de la Citoyenneté et de la Démocratie asbl, Comune di Collegno, KRAPINSKO-ZAGORSKA ZUPANIJA and Mladinski svet Ajdovscina. Moreover, the training is part of the KA2 Project “Fostering a Culture of Participation: Mainstreaming Local Youth Councils in Europe”.

The Training Course was based on non-formal education methodologies, promoting a healthy critical attitude toward innovative solutions and approaches, and allowing for an inclusive and participatory environment. The main goals of this activity were to explore the state of the art of local youth councils at the local level around Europe in what concerns different structures, instruments, and mechanisms. In addition, to bring insights and experiences on how to develop sustainable and inclusive engagement of young people in local youth councils, to support the mapping of local youth councils in project countries, and to exchange experiences and competencies among the participants.

From this activity, the participants increased their knowledge in the field of youth participation and their awareness of the challenges youth might face to access participation structures. Furthermore, they have the opportunity to renew their insights and get ideas on how to develop inclusive, active, and meaningful youth participation. Finally, this Training Course was a great opportunity for networking, exchanging experiences and learnings.


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