Second transnational meeting of the “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” in Athens, Greece


The second Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) of the “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” project took place in Athens, Greece from 19th to 22nd November. This meeting brought together partners to reconnect in person, evaluate progress, and plan the next phases of the project.

The meeting emphasized several key upcoming initiatives. Participants discussed the organization of inspiring in-person events aimed at fostering youth participation and civic engagement. Plans for the release of informative publications were also outlined, with a focus on providing resources to guide policymakers, practitioners, and young leaders in enhancing youth involvement in decision-making processes. Additionally, the development of an innovative Digital platform by SQLearn was highlighted. This platform will recommend youth engagement models for the specific needs of CSOs, municipalities, youth workers, young people and others, enabling them to identify optimal strategies for youth engagement.

Looking ahead, the project’s next major event is a study visit to Brussels. During this visit, participants will engage with Members of the European Parliament and key EU institutions to deepen their understanding of youth participation at the European level.

Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE) is led by DYPALL Network in partnership with Europiamo (Italy), Nordland fylkeskommune (Norway), EDYN (Slovakia), YEPP Europe (Germany), Assemblée des Régions d’Europe – AER (France), and SQ Learn (Greece), under the Erasmus+ Programme.

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