“HSYG – How to Score a Youth Goal?” Transnational Project Meeting From 14th – 16th November, DYPALL Network took part in the second TPM of the project “How to score a Youth Goal” organised by the Austrian National Youth Council. The main aim of the project is to deeply explore the implementation of the 11 European Youth Goals at the local and national level, providing an insight on how to address the priorities of youth in a concrete way. During these three days meetings, the partners had the opportunity to discuss about the intellectual output 1, which is a collection of good practices on specific youth goals in four different countries, Austria, Croatia, Germany and Portugal, and includes guidelines on how to improve and implement worth actions. The first IO will be published soon, and all the partners will be able to disseminate it within the local, national and international partners. Moreover, the TPM was not only focusing on shape the guidelines on how to better implement the European Youth Goals, but also on the further steps. DYPALL Network sees this project as a great opportunity to cooperate with National Youth Councils, providing its expertise on non-formal education and consultation activities. The project is coordinated by the Mreža mladih Hrvatske – Croatian Youth Network (Croatia), in cooperation with DYPALL Network, Bundesjugendvertretung (Austria), Conselho Nacional de Juventude (Portugal), Deutscher Bundesjugendring (Germany) and the researcher Ondrej Barta. Co- founded by Croatian National Agency. Related News “European Future Citizens” Transnational Project Meeting and Final Conference Winter Democracy Academy – 2nd edition“Youth and Democracy, Bridging the Gap” “HUMAN” 2nd Transnational Partnership Council in Athens, Greece “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” Advisory group meeting in Brussels, Belgium “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” Study visit to Brussels, Belgium “EUvironmental Emergency in Simple Words” multiplier event in Portugal European Citizenthon: Empowering the citizens of the future Final “EUvironmental Emergency in Simple Words” transnational project meeting Second transnational meeting of the “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” in Athens, Greece “Europe Goes Local” Steering group and Advisory Board in Madeira, Portugal DYPALL Network at the Symposium on Youth, Democracy and Climate Action Third “EUvironmental emergency in simple words” transnational project meeting EmpowerEU Academy in Santa Cruz, Portugal Steering group meeting at the University on Youth and Development CL-YE Study Visit Explores Youth Engagement in Norway EUlection Play “Solutions for a Better Engagement” event Study visit to Ghent “Youth policies for better local democracies” Study visit to Lisbon “One Step Higher – Climbing the ladder of participation” First online meeting of the Advisory Group on Youth Engagement under the project “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement (CL-YE)” Job shadowing activities within the LYCIS project “Rulebook for Decision and Policy Makers” training course ‘Local Youth Councils at International Scale (LYCIS)’ Third Transnational Project Meeting and Final Conference #EUInfluencers Large-scale youth event DYPALL Network at the European Conference on Local Youth Work and Democracy “CHLaYdoscope” last Transnational Project Meeting Kick-off meeting of the “Climbing the Ladder: fostering a culture of Youth Engagement” project “Youth for Active Society” last transnational project meeting “Cities of Welcome” Final transnational project meeting “How to Score a Youth Goal” Last transnational project meeting “Youth Council Participation in Europe” Study Visit to Klaipeda Winter Democracy Academy: A Week-long event Focused on Youth Participation for Stronger Local Democracies “Youth for Active Society” training course Designing an innovative tool: highlights from the “Phygital Youth Participation” kick-off meeting “European Future Citizens” second transnational project meeting “S.M.A.R.T. Youth Center” third and last transnational project meeting “Cities of Welcome” training course EUlection Play: EU workshops EUlection Play: ElectionVille Board Game Second “EUnvironmental Emergency in Simple Words” transnational project meeting “Youth Democracy Academy” Study Session “How to Score a Youth Goal” training courses in Vienna and Berlin Study visit to Norway “Youth Council Participation in Europe” CHLaYdoscope Training Course “European Youth Leaders Academy” “Migrant Youth Friendly Cities” Third Transnational Project Meeting and Final Conference Partnership Building Activity (PBA) “Youth participation for sustainable local democracies” at the University on Youth and Development 2023 “Migrant Youth Friendly Cities: A Scale of Reference” Training Course Youth2EUrope training course for youth workers “International Partnership to Support Youth Initiatives” Final conference #EUINFLUENCERS YOUTH EXCHANGE DYPALL Network Steering group meeting “European Future Citizens” 1st TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERS’ MEETING “Building Quality Local Youth Councils” training course Study visit to Eindhoven “Boosting youth participation at the local level 3” CHLaYdoscope Training for trainers “How to Score a Youth Goal” 3rd TRANSNATIONAL PARTNER’S MEETING Youth2EUrope Youth meeting “RISIV – REGENERATE & INNOVATIVE: SOCIAL IMPACT VOLUNTEERING” 5TH TRANSNATIONAL PARTNERS’ MEETING “CITIES OF WELCOME” 2ND TRANSNATIONAL PARTNER’S MEETING [CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS] TALE PROJECT – Became a change maker for the European election “#EUINFLUENCERS” 2ND TRANSNATIONAL PARTNER’S MEETING “Local Youth Councils at International Scale (LYCIS)” 2nd Transnational Partner’s Meeting “Youth for Active Society” 2nd Transnational Partner’s Meeting “EUnvironmental emergency in simple words” Kick-off meeting Training course on Essentials of Non-Formal Education “We A.R” Transnational Project Meeting “Youth2EUrope” project kick-off “Youth Democracy Academy” 2nd transnational partners’ meeting Study visit to Vila Nova de Gaia “Boosting youth participation at local level 3” DYPALL Network Steering group meeting and Assembly of members Closing Conference of the European Year of Youth 2022 “Claim the future” “Community Challengers” Final Transnational Partner’s Meeting “Integration Policies at Local Level” Training Course “RISIV – Regenerate & Innovative: Social Impact Volunteering” transnational project meeting “#EUInfluencer” online meeting and International Training Course Study Visit in Lisbon “Welcoming Cities: Participation of Youngsters with background” MIGRANT YOUTH FRIENDLY CITIES – 2nd Transnational Partners’ Meeting “S.M.A.R.T Youth Centres” transnational project meeting STUDY VISIT TO BELGIUM “Youth policies for better local democracies” “Fostering a Culture of Participation: Mainstreaming Local Youth Councils in Europe” Transnational Project Meeting “International Partnership for Youth” Training course “Game+ – Growth and Access for Millennials of Erasmus+” Transnational Project Meeting “#EUInfluencers” project kick-off CHLAYDOSCOPE 2ND TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING “BUILDING SYNERGIES FOR STRONGER LOCAL DEMOCRACIES” Partnership Building Activity “DIGITAL YOUTH WORK IN YOUTH CENTRES” TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING “REGENERATE & INNOVATIVE: SOCIAL IMPACT VOLUNTEERING” project – LTTAs in Spain and Portugal “YOUTH FOR ACTIVE SOCIETY (YAS)” PROJECT – KICKOFF MEETING in BOLOGNA, ITALY “Local Youth Councils at International Scale” Project Meeting in Rabat, Morocco “WE A.R. WE AGAINST RUMORS” TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETING INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP TO SUPPORT YOUTH INITIATIVE – KICKOFF MEETING Register to the conference “LOCAL YOUTH COUNCILS AT INTERNATIONAL SCALE” on the 6-7 July 2022 (10:30-14:00 Brussels time). Online conference “Migrant Children and Communities in Transforming Europe” Conference “Digital Participation Tools for Youth Engagement in Local Governance” “Cities of Welcome – Improving the Participation of Young Migrants at Local Level” 1st transnational project meeting “Quality Assurance in Local Youth Councils” Training Course CHLAYDOSCOPE – KICK OFF MEETING Study session “Climbing the ladder – Capacitating youth leaders to facilitate youth participation in the decision-making process at the local level” “North-South Cooperation for Local Youth Participation” Partnership Building Activity S.M.A.R.T. YOUTH CENTRE – KICK-OFF MEETING in Athens, Greece Level up! 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Partners meeting Training Course “Focus on Youth: Service Design and Co-Creation” Contact Making Seminar “Youth DemocraCity” Kick-off meeting “LEVEL UP! 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Training Course “Let’s Start Playing” Youth Democracy Academy- International Training for Multipliers DYPALL Network at the Official Opening of Novi Sad – European Youth Capital 2019 DigiZation – Consultative Meeting Road to the Future – Experts’ Meeting Young Migrant Voices – Training Course II DYPALL International Conference – Youth Work at Municipality Level Youth Voices Upgraded – “Young in Vestfold” conference Local to European: “Transferring Practices of Democratic Youth Participation” – Study Session YES! GAM-EU! – Youth Engagement Strategies and Gamification in the EU Inventaciones – International Meeting Youth Democracy Academy – Campaign Coordination Meeting II DYPALL International Conference “Youth Work at Municipality Level” Youth Takes the Floor – Training Course WELCOMESHIP! – Training of Trainers Madeira Youth Forum DigiZation – Digital Participation in Youth Organizations CONNECT: Empowerment for the political and civic participation of young migrants CONNECT: Empowerment for the political and civic participation of young migrants Study visit to Sweden – Boosting youth participation at the local level Study visit to Sweden – Boosting youth participation at the local level Conference “Youth work at local level for community empowerment” Regional Youth Action Plan – Madeira Jovem Welcomeship! Building inclusive communities through community-based entrepreneurship RE-thinking LEADership Seminar “Models of youth participation at the local level in Europe” E-Participation at a Glance YP Rural – Study visit to Fundão Training Course “Young Migrant Voices” “Boosting Youth Participation at Local Level” Study visit to Portimão Study on models of youth participation in decision-making processes in the local governance Boosting Youth Participation at Local Level Testimonies from participants of DYPALL Network’s activities DYPALL’s Study Visit to Denmark: Youth Participation in Rural Areas DYPALL Network’s Study Visit to Denmark starts today Building bridges to enhance youth participation at local level in Mediterranean countries SE+ED: Social Entrepreneurship and Educational Practices for Young People 5th Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship (MedUni) | Feedback from the Municipality of Gaia (Portugal) Project “European Quality of Public Policies” | Study Visits from Poland Project “European Quality of Public Policies” | Study Visits from Poland Conclusions from the Symposium ‘Youth Policy Responses to the Contemporary Challenges Faced by Young People’ (12-14 June, Prague) Feedback on “Get up, Stand up! A training course on democracy and active citizenship in the field of youth work” (May 2017, Germany) Feedback on the impact of the training course “Young Migrant Voices” held in November 2016. Europe Goes Local | Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy) Europe Goes Local | Academia de Desenvolvimento Juvenil (Youth Development Academy) DYPALL Network’s busy May days – Part 3: Conference / Round Table ‘Youth, Democracy and Local Power’ and opening of the ‘YP Lab’ DYPALL Network’s busy May days – Part 2: Stakeholders Meeting DYPALL Network’s busy May days – Part 1: Steering Group Meetings Starts today the Training Course “Get up, Stand up!” in Bonn European Youth Week 2017: Information sessions in Portimão, Portugal. New Projects 2017-2018 Exploring Local Youth Work Sharing Participation Practices at Local Level: 3 Good Practices How can you define Young People in Decision-Making? STARTS TODAY THE TRAINING COURSE “YOUTH ACTORS IN DECISION MAKING” Picture Review: Young Migrant Voices Training Course Closing the loop: Young Migrant Voices Training Course Starts today the training course “Young Migrant Voices” Starts today the training course “Young Migrant Voices” Training Young Migrant Voices | Meet the Team Picture Review: Study Session Starts today the Study Session “Transferring Positive Practices of Democratic Youth Participation Models” Study Session Preparatory Meeting – Meet the team Video of DYPALL International Conference Seminar: “3D: Dialogue, Democracy & Decision” 26-29 April, Taormina, Italy International Conference “Developing Our Territories Through Youth Participation in Decision Making” #hearyourvoices : glimpses of the Conference #hearyourvoices: glimpses of the Conference #hearyourvoices : glimpses of the Conference Starts today the International Conference “Youth Policy at Local and Regional Level” SAVE THE DATE – International Conference 4th Steering Group Meeting Launching Event Meet the Steering Group Post navigation Previous post“RISIV – Regenerate & Innovative: Social Impact Volunteering” transnational project meetingNext post“Integration Policies at Local Level” Training Course ↑ Search… × ❮ ❯ Centar E8 Centar E8 is a youth organization focused on working with young people across Serbia. Through innovative campaigns, the use of social media, and diverse work methodologies, we educate youth on topics such as media literacy, gender equality, violence prevention, and the importance of active political participation in society. Belgrade, Serbia https://e8.org.rs/ centar@e8.org.rs INEDNET (Information and Education Development Network) Information and Education Development Network is an information-consulting organization, which acts as a network of media makers, non-formal educators and youth workers. The organization aims to: Empower young people through quality non-formal education. Enable media makers to update competencies on fair content production. Enhance the development of youth work, and provide equal access to it. Yerevan, Armenia https://www.inednet.com/ inednet@outlook.com YEPP Italia YEPP Italia was founded in 2011 as an evolution of the international YEPP program. Key words of the YEPP methodology are participation, active citizenship, learning, advocacy, decision making power, community. Main concept is youth empowerment at the individual, social and community level. In 50 municipalities 5 Italian regions groups of young people, aged between 15 and 29, are experiencing participation processes in urban neighbourhoods, small towns, rural villages Torino, Italy www.yepp.it segreteria@yepp.it Helix – Social Innovation Hub Helix – Social Innovation Hub is an informal educational organisation dedicated to empowering young adults and fostering social transformation. Serving as a dynamic community, we bridge organisations, technology, research, innovators, and ideas to co-create impactful solutions for complex social challenges. Our mission is to empower young adults through innovative methods, an entrepreneurial mindset, and self-development tools, fostering socially balanced, sustainable growth. Karditsa, Greece www.helixhub.eu info@helixhub.eu Kipriakos Organismos Kentron Neotitas – Cyprus Youth Clubs Organisation Cyprus Youth Clubs Organization (KOKEN) is a non-profit dedicated to empowering youth across Cyprus. As the coordinating body for 65 clubs with 3,500 members from urban and rural areas, KOKEN aims to improve their quality of life through regional, national, and international activities. Focused on social inclusion and education, KOKEN promotes civic engagement, well-being, digital skills, and employability, offering programs in culture, sports, human rights, and volunteerism. Nicosia, Cyprus https://kentraneotitas.org/ come@kentraneotitas.org Munícipio de Portimão Munícipio de Portimão – Órgão de Administração Pública Local que integra a Divisão de Desporto e Juventude, Unidade Orgânica com responsabilidade nas Politicas de Juventude Portimão, Portugal https://www.cm-portimao.pt/ ana.lucas@cm-portimao.pt Dracon Rules Design Studio Dracon RDS is a non-profit organization based in Karditsa, Greece, dedicated to promoting the use of board games as tools for education and social inclusion. We specialize in designing educational games and innovative learning methods to foster collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. Through local and international projects, including EU-funded initiatives, we aim to empower communities and create impactful learning experiences in areas such as sustainability and social equity. Karditsa, Greece https://erasmus.draconrds.com/ info@draconrds.com Sosyal İklim Derneği – Social Climate Association Since its establishment in 2014, Sosyal İklim Derneği – Social Climate Association has been actively working on the development of a culture of dialogue among young people, the rights and participation of children and young people, climate action and justice. Social Climate team operates with 9 young professionals, 20 young board members and actively collaborates with approximately 7000 young volunteers in 10 different cities İzmir, Türkiye https://sosyaliklim.org/ info@sosyaliklim.org Democracy and Law Youth Association The Democracy and Law Youth Association (DLYA), founded in 2019, promotes democratic values and social justice while engaging youth. We include young people with fewer opportunities and enhance their skills through Erasmus+ projects, training, and national solidarity projects. DLYA’s mission supports Turkish and European youth in areas like democracy, citizenship, gender equality, and climate, fostering creativity, intercultural interaction, and understanding of the EU. Ankara, Türkiye https://www.dlyassociation.org/ democracylawyouth@gmail.com Asociatia Nuclee Founded in 2023, Asociatia Nuclee is a non-profit organisation based in Caracal,Romania, committed to combating the region’s depopulation trend by creating opportunities for young people to build their futures within their communities. Focused on participation, cultural expression, research, and innovation in the fields of: climate action, economic growth, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation, we foster intergenerational collaboration, driving sustainable progress and a thriving society. Caracal, Romania https://nuclee.org/ info@nuclee.org Iveta Balcune Non-formal learning activities for youth and adult people of different social backgrounds, social integration through non-formal educational activities (culture, art, outdoor and other participatory activities), improving life quality in rural areas, involving in culture projects (music, arts, theatre, dance, exhibitions etc.) through cooperation with culture estate luznavasmuiza.lv. Rezekne, Latvia balcune.iveta@gmail.com Detska organizacia FENIX, o.z. We are NGO whose goal is to support children and youth in spending their leisure time actively. We concentrate on using the methods of non-formal education. Bratislava, Slovakia https://www.do-fenix.sk/ spravnecentrum@do-fenix.sk Migrafrica Migrafrica is an organisation founded by young African migrants who are empowering young fellow African migrants in Germany. Our main goal is to enhance the social, economical and political participation and integration. We support faster integration and mobilizion of resources to improve lives, build capacities and skills and develop networks between young Africans living in Germany/Europe and bridge the gap between Africa and Europe. Cologne, Germany www.migrafrica.org kontakt@migrafrica.org La Bastida Participació SCCL We are a non profit cooperative working on youth policies, who provides assessment to municipalities and their youth workers and creates and develops participation processes together with local public administrations or other entities. We believe in participation both as the main goal and key tool in the empowerment processes of people, especially youth, for the social transformation in their context. Santa Coloma de Queralt, Spain www.labastida.coop info@labastida.coop Asociación Las Niñas del Tul Las Niñas del Tul is a non-profit association carrying out activities in the province of Granada since 2004. The main goal is to promote participation as a tool for both personal and community developments. It is characterized by its extensive experience in working with young people, using the methodology of non-formal education. Inclusion is an inherent part of our mission, ensuring that everybody have opportunities to participate regardless of their circumstances and needs. Granada, Spain www.lasdeltul.net tul@lasdeltul.net University of Coimbra Institute for Legal Research UCILeR’s understands that Law can make a transversal contribution, being essential for social cohesion and coexistence between people, as well as for the construction of normative frameworks that fairly pursue sustainable development. UCILeR’s research proposal is based on reflecting on contemporary problems and the ways in which they can be legally resolved, either in the light of current law or through the necessary changes to its current framework. The UCILeR’s work reflects this vision. Coimbra, Portugal https://www.uc.pt/fduc/ij/ geral@ij.uc.pt Pi Youth Association Pi Youth Association (PIYA) was established in 2014 in Türkiye with the aim of helping young people develop knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes. Our local activities organizes focus on encouraging the personal development of youth. PIYA has consistently maintained a strong focus on national activities related to youth rights and issues. Lastly, PIYA actively participates in international youth development by engaging in Erasmus+ and volunteering abroad through ESC both funded by the EU. Izmir, Türkiye https://www.pigenclikdernegi.org/ iletisim@pigenclikdernegi.org BASHKIA FUSHE-ARREZ The Municipality of Fushe-Arrez strives to be the leader among Albanian municipalities to engage youth in policy-making and decision-making processes. Youth participation is at the core of our governance and community. Fushe-Arrez, Albania www.bashkiafushearrez.gov.al mikelqafa@gmail.com ProActive Group Georgia Proactive Group Georgia is a CSO, whose mission is to support the development of a free, democratic, progressive-minded proactive society. We create learning opportunities for youth and adults through promoting civic activism, democratic youth participation, social entrepreneurship, diversity & inclusion by various NFE activities, which helps people to grow on a personal /professional level, to be more proactive citizen. We empower them by various capacity building programs for employability. Tbilisi, Georgia https://proactivegroupgeorgia.ge/ proactivegroupgeorgia@gmail.com Center for Intercultural Dialogue – CID Center for Intercultural Dialogue (CID) is a CSO working to promote intercultural acceptance and active citizenship through capacity building processes, education and youth work. The CID’s activity focuses on many aspects which are of interest for young people: from provision of services and information, to research and support for policy-making and networking. Kumanovo, North Macedonia https://cid.mk/ info@cid.mk Municipality of Kolonjë The Municipality of Kolonjë is located in the southeastern region of Albania and has a total area of 864 km2. We currently have a total population of 17,898 inhabitants, spreading across 2 cities and 76 villages. We are primarily engaged in local governance and administration. Our main areas of focus include youth empowerment, urban planning, infrastructure development, public services, social welfare, and community engagement. Please feel free to contact us for collaborations on projects. Ersekë, Albania https://www.kolonja.gov.al/ info@kolonja.gov.al Donum Animus Non governmental/ non profit organisation promotes social cohesion and active participation of people from vulnerable groups paying special attention to persons with disabilities in deprived communities. Ropazu novads, Latvia donum.animus@protonmail.com Lota’s Box Lota’s box was founded in 2018 to promote values of democracy, active citizenship and equality. Our activities are based in three pillars: lifelong learning, sport and active citizenship Zagreb, Croatia www.lotina-kutija.hr info@lotina-kutija.hr Umbrella Umbrella is a Georgian youth value-based organization that aims to educate, motivate and activate young people aged 13-30 in Georgia and beyond, in order to be empowered and develop the communities that are coming from. The mission of the organization is to support young people’s progress by creating educational initiatives to develop young people’s competence in the fields of environment, human rights and democracy. To ensure the real impact we work on local, national and international levels. Tbilisi, Georgia https://umbrellayouth.org/home ngoumbrellageo@gmail.com Association Centre for research and analysis NOVUS Strumica Association CRA NOVUS is an NGO established in 2013 in Strumica, N.Macedonia, that works in the field of non-formal education, youth engagement and civic activism, promotion and strengthening of youth policies and promotion of EU values. Since 2013 NOVUS conducts research and activities aimed at the transparency of local and national authorities, as well as enabling young people with knowledge and skills to be part of the democratic processes in our country in matters that affect them. Strumica, North Macedonia https://associationnovus.org/ contact@associationnovus.org Câmara Municipal do Fundão Fundão as a municipality in the center of Portugal, threatened by depopulation, but with a strong and determined smart territorial innovation and youth strategy, has created an innovation ecosystem that is a reference in Portugal, attracting, IT companies, youth organizations and a serious mobility regional HUB, generating start-ups, and supporting hundreds of projects, while investing in R&D and pioneering initiatives in professional retraining and digital skills, financial literacy. Fundão, Portugal https://www.cm-fundao.pt/ vicepresidente@cm-fundao.pt Europiamo ETS Europiamo is the Italian community for the youth, youth workers, and youth organisations working together to build a more accessible, participatory, and sustainable Europe. In 2024, we have more than 100 members and over 25 youth organisations part of our network. We connect young people to growth opportunities in Europe, we curate spaces for participation and sharing, we represent the youth sector, the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes in Italy Roma, Italy https://www.europiamo.org/ info@europiamo.org ORNAMENT Foundation ORNAMENT Foundation, founded in 2020 by a group of dedicated individuals, is a non-governmental organization working closely with diverse communities, especially youth. The foundation aims to improve social inclusion methods, enhance personal and professional skills to boost youth employability, and promote volunteerism. It also focuses on encouraging healthy behaviors through sports, advocating for ecological living, and supporting non-formal education to empower young people. Zalasowa, Poland https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079051707719&sk=friends_likes&locale=pl_PL ornament.fund@wp.pl Habitat Association Habitat Association is a non-governmental organization produces social capacity-building and impact-oriented projects based on strong partnerships compatible with the digitalizing world and aimed at sustainable development. Founded in 1997 by young people who came together for the Copenhagen Social Development Summit in 1995 and the United Nations Habitat II Summit in 1996, Habitat’s mission was to establish a communication bridge between the youth of the world and the youth of Turkey. İstanbul, Türkiye https://habitatdernegi.org/en/home/ mervenemutlu@habitatdernegi.org HUSKJ (Hessische Union zur Stärkung von Kinder- und Jugendinteressen) We are the umbrella organization of youth parliaments in Hesse. Our goal is to increase the numbers of youth parliaments in Hesse in order to increase the number of youth that is represented in the local decision making process. We want to give youth a voice and strengthen democracy. Furthermore, we organise meetings for youth all over Hesse which allows them to connect with each other, enhance their personal skills and exchange solutions for common problems in the local youth parliaments. Seligenstadt/ Hessen, Germany https://huskj.de/https://huskj.de/ info@huskj.de Quality development for stronger democracies Youth empowerment Inclusive democracies Innovating democracies