Final “EUvironmental Emergency in Simple Words” transnational project meeting


The forth and final “EUvironmental Emergency in Simple Words” transnational project meeting occured from 26th – 27th of November in Piraeus, Greece.

Focusing on engaging young people, this project aims to encourage them to act and try to solve some environmental issues that required action at societal and political levels. One of the main goals of this project was the creation of some tools capable to spark the youth’s interest on environmental matters, inviting them to take responsibility for actions on a personal and collective scale.

During the meeting, the partners had opportunity to present, discuss and evaluate the results of the project, giving their feedback after presenting the tools on local and national activities. They also provide some ideas to improve some outcomes, to make them even more youth friendly. 

The project is coordinated by the Municipality of Salamina (Greece), in cooperation with Center of Social Innovation – CSI (Cyprus), Rozprawy o Europie (Poland), AFOI KOUSANTONI EE RDC Company (Greece), CYLN (Greece) and DYPALL Network, under the Erasmus + programme.

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