“Community Challengers” Final Transnational Partner’s Meeting

The Final Transnational Partners’ Meeting “Community Challengers: Towards sustainable & climate-smart communities through Arts & Social Entrepreneurship” took place in Berlin from 29 November to 3 December 2022.

The meeting brought together project partners to summarize the project’s outcomes, decide on the final steps before its end, and discuss the main administrative tasks that would need to be completed after the project’s conclusion. The meeting also focused on creating a dissemination strategy to share the results of the project with a wider audience, as well as celebrating the successes achieved during its duration. The main objectives of the meeting were to ensure a smooth transition and successful completion of the project, as well as to plan for its ongoing impact and legacy.

Community Challengers is an Erasmus+ Project that combines environmental awareness, artistic expression and entrepreneurship education to empower young people from underprivileged communities across Europe. The project activates young people to learn about the causes and effects of climate change and mobilise their communities to become climate-smart, sustainable and united. It is based on four key dimensions:

  1. Environment: support awareness raising of young people and youth workers about environmental challenges and develop a methodology to address them through arts and entrepreneurship (with a possibility for schools and non-formal learning institutions to use this model).
  2. Entrepreneurship: develop competences of young people in entrepreneurship with a focus on sustainability, green skills and stakeholder collaboration (with a possibility for the schools and non-formal learning institutions to use this model).
  3. Arts: use the arts as a means of delivering the message to the community to bring about change and as the empowerment tool for young people to get their voices heard and to become agents of change.
  4. Advocacy: empower young people to become role models to enable behavioural change for community and individual preferences and lifestyles; influence policies through multi-sector collaboration and involve youth ambassadors for climate action.

Throughout the project, partners completed four key Intellectual Outputs:

The project developed by a consortium of partners: Out of the Box International (Belgium), HDLU Hrvatsko Drustvo Likovnih Umjetnika/Croatian Association of Artists (Croatia), YEPP Italia (Italy), IDEJU MĀJA (Latvia), Supernatural festival (Serbia) and DYPALL Network under the leadership of YEPP EUROPE and is funded within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for Innovation programme.


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