Study on models of youth participation in decision-making processes in the local governance


This study is conducted by YP Lab, a resource and mobility centre within DYPALL with the focus on research development and capacity building in the field of local youth participation.

One of our objectives is to develop structures and mechanisms for youth participation in decision-making at local level as well as to identify best practices and introduce innovative approaches to public governance in cooperation with local authorities and civil society organizations active in the youth field.

Therefore, within YP Lab, we are developing a case study that will map:

  • the existing structures and mechanisms of youth participation in decision-making processes in the local governance;
  • educational projects, initiatives, and tools that prepare young people to participate in the political life at local level.

To that aim we have developed two corresponding surveys to help us with this mapping activity:

  • The focus of Survey 1 are the existing structures and mechanisms of youth participation in decision-making processes in the local governance. E.g. a Local Youth Council that is legally established within the municipality with an advisory role on youth issues.
  • The focus of Survey 2 are educational projects, initiatives and tools that prepare young people to participate in the political life at local level. E.g. “Simulation exercise of local parliament done by young people” that promotes the understanding of how democratic processes work in the municipality.

If you have examples of such structures or projects, please fill in the corresponding Survey.

Thank you for your contribution.

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