Tools for planning facilitated workshops

Creating and facilitating an online workshop can be complicated, especially if you have never done it before. For tis reason, it might be useful to be supported by specific online tools that not only function as resource library, but can also help organize the agenda and share the plan effectively with the team



SessionLab is an online lesson planning platform that allows you to break your content into chunks and outline a presentation, organizing it into various time blocks. It also has a library of over 500 activities for you to sift through and integrate into your session.



GroupMap allows you to start from one of our 60+ templates or create your own that you can rinse and repeat. From design thinking and creative problem solving through to strategic planning or community consultation, GroupMap gives you the workshop tools to more effectively facilitate amazing conversations!




PlanningPME can be used as comprehensive scheduling and training management tool to plan trainings and workshops. The number of courses is not limited so that you can plan your activities in advance all along the year and have the daily, weekly, monthly schedule.

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