Regional Youth Policy Action Plan – Madeira Jovem

During the coming 18th month DYPALL Network will be responsible to develop what will be the new youth policy framework in the region on Madeira – Portugal. This autonomous region of Portugal, will be supported by our team of youth policy experts to prepare, design, and create the monitoring strategy for the implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Youth MJ2020.

With this project we aim to contribute with a specific and measurable tool that will support different stakeholders responsible for policy making and implementation in the region of Madeira, to change the current trends.

The project will involve the establishment of a partner coordination commission that will support the overall project design and implementation. Where young people, youth organisations and public authorities will work together for the implementation of the project.

It will involve 8 large youth consultation processes using structured dialogue and non-formal education activities that will support the work developed by the experts working group ten different public policy areas. Where the “Plano de Ação para a Juventude– Madeira Jovem2020” will be developed supported by a methodology based on the Open Method of Coordination.

We believe that the project will contribute for the different partners to see young people as a source of inspiration for the current challenges we are facing in our society; and to consider them as fundamental partners in the policy making in the region.

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